Both the design and the corresponding quality controls of each and every of our products are conducted in our laboratory. Besides, the laboratory also takes part in the after-sales customer support, providing a clear and straightforward view in order to solve any technical problem in a quick and effective way. During the quality control processes, potential color deviations are analyzed using software and spectrophotometer, as well as a visual inspection and exposure to different types of light.
The quality control process is in fact a redundant procedure, since it ensures the quality of the manufactured product. Potential color deviations are analyzed in the laboratory using software and spectrophotometer. Besides, these color deviations are inspected by 2 expert technicians and exposed to different types of light.
We have a team of engineers and laboratory technicians with expertise in the plastic coloring and additivation areas, together with the most advanced design, analysis and manufacturing methods of masterbatches for technical plastics.
The compliance of international standards guides our steps
Colortec complies with the requirements laid down in the following standards:
Colortec está certificada por AENOR como empresa con un sistema de gestión de la calidad conforme a los requisitos de la Norma ISO 9001:2015. Además, contamos con la Marca de Calidad de Producto del Instituto Tecnológico del Juguete, AIJU.
Colortec has been certified by AENOR as a company whose Quality Management System meets all the requirements of the Standard ISO 9001:2015. Besides, we have been awarded with the Product Quality Label of the Toy Technology Institute, AIJU.
We are working diligently in order to comply with national and international plastic-related standards, such as REACH, the RoHS Directive, the Toy Safety Regulation, the Food Safety Regulation, the Resolution AP(89)1, Directive 2000/53/EC and any other standard or legal requirements that our clients should want our products to meet. All our additives, pigments and colorants in powder and masterbatch for plastics have their corresponding documentation attached, which guarantees the compliance with the standards requested by the client.
You can download our ISO quality certificates ISO 9001:2015 and ER-0619/2000
We also put at your disposal our Quality Policy
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