

What is masterbatch?

Masterbatch is a concentrated mix of pigments and additives within a certain plastic resin. Resembling little color chippings, masterbatch is usually blended in a dose of 2% in the customer’s manufactured plastic, such as Polypropylene (PP), Polyamide (PA), Crystal Polystyrene (PS), PVC, Methacrylate (PMMA), fiber-reinforced resins, waste plastics, among others. Masterbatch is able to dye any type of plastic piece without difficulty with the required homogeneity and opacity, while considering the distinctive features of the manufactured products and the transformation process performed by our customers.

Masterbatch Quality Indicators

The quality of the colorant or masterbatch is measured based on the size of the pigment particle, the element’s amount of dispersion and the quality of the processed resin, as well as the coloring compatibility of masterbatch with the resin.

What advantages does masterbatch provide to its processing?

Cleanliness in the manufacturing process

Since color pigments are encapsulated in a plastic support, none of the elements of the manufacturing process will be affected by dust contamination during the masterbatch application and dosage. The working environment is kept totally clean and in optimal conditions during the masterbatch manufacturing process. This is especially important in sectors that require working areas with a dust-free environment, either due to company policies, or manufacturing process requirements.

Handling and dosage made simple

Masterbatch is usually batched in 25 kg sack bags and is always provided with its proper identification and the conditions of use for its appropriate application, such as specifications about the dose and the plastic material where masterbatch should be applied. Upon customer request, our laboratory staff can adapt the doses of our designs to several different manufacturing processes, so we may also fix issues related to dispersion, problems resulting from inappropriate doses or solve decantation problems.

Free from dispersion errors

All our designs and manufacturing processes are optimized in such a way that the degree of dispersion of our masterbatch in the final product would be the most appropriate. Besides, the quality control system applied to our masterbatch is intended to ensure that each formulation achieves its ideal dispersion through an injection process.

Suitable opacity

Our technical staff is qualified to grant the required opacity to each piece, always guaranteeing the best value for money. The most suitable pigments and their concentrates are selected according to the density of each piece and their application.

Applications of Masterbatch

Masterbatch for different materials

Masterbatch for Polyethylene (PE)

We design masterbatches for every type of polyethylene: linear polyethylene, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The pigments and additives are selected carefully in order to meet the final piece requirements: thermal resistance, light and outdoors resistance, colorimetric requirements or good value for money. All of these factors are taken into account in order to produce fully customized products. The products that we design are used for making bags, film, boxes and toys, among many others.

Masterbatch for Polypropylene (PP)

Just like polyethylene, polypropylene is one of the most widely-used plastics for manufacturing several pieces, such as bags, boxes, straps, household products, etc. We produce a wide diversity of masterbatches for polypropylene to be applied in any sector and for any kind of piece. Universal carrier and polypropylene carrier masterbatches are perfectly suitable for a wide diversity of processes that require good dispersion and homogeneity.

Masterbatch for ABS

ABS is one of the most commonly used plastics in engineering and grants specific physical properties to the final product, such as good impact resistance. It is also a strong and rigid material that allows a low degree of water absorption. Both in universal and ABS carriers, our masterbatch for ABS produces the least possible alteration of intrinsic properties of this material, thus providing a wide range of colors and additives and a total compatibility between plastic resin and pigments or additives.

We produce the quantity you need

Starting from 25 kg of masterbatch and 3 kg of powder, we adjust our production to your needs, just as you need it.

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    Developed by Espira

    Simbiosis industrial entre sectores tradicionales de la Comunitat Valenciana mediante la recuperación y valorización de metales pesados.
    Se realiza un desarrollo experimental analizando las sinergias existentes entre cinco sectores característicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (metal-mecánico, plástico, textil, calzado y cerámico) desde una perspectiva de Economía Circular y de Simbiosis industrial y aplicado a la valorización de metales pesados (cromo y cobre principalmente). Aplicando diferentes tecnologías innovadoras para su recuperación y mediante un diseño conceptual del escalado de una planta industrial, se obtendrán diferentes aplicaciones innovadoras.
    Programa Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Comunitat Valenciana 2021-2027.

    INNEST/2023/51. INVERSIÓN: 122.589,30€. Ejecuta: Colortec Química, SL

    COLORTEC QUÍMICA, S.L., ha realizado el proyecto “MEJORAS EN LAS LÍNEAS DE PRODUCCIÓN DE COLORTEC” con número de expediente INPYME/2023/726 para el que ha conseguido una subvención de 44.048,20 € correspondiente a la convocatoria para el ejercicio 2023, dentro de la sexta fase de implantación del Plan estratégico de la industria valenciana, de ayudas para mejorar la competitividad y la sostenibilidad de las pymes industriales de la Comunitat Valenciana de diversos sectores, convocada por la Conselleria de Innovación, Industria, Comercio y Turismo.

    COLORTEC QUIMICA S.L, ha participado en el Programa de fomento de la contratación indefinida de determinados colectivos vulnerables en el ámbito territorial de la Comunitat Valenciana
    Se ha recibido de LABORA Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación una subvención del programa indicado por la contratación indefinida y a jornada completa de persona/s desempleada/s pertenecientes a colectivos vulnerables, actuación susceptible de cofinanciación por el Fondo Social Europeo Plus (FSE+) 2021-2027 o cualquier otro fondo de la Unión Europea.

    COLORTEC QUIMICA S.L, ha participado en el Programa de fomento de la conversión a indefinido de contratos temporales de determinados colectivos vulnerables en el ámbito territorial de la Comunitat Valenciana.

    Entidad otorgante: LABORA Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación.
    Importe concedido: 11.970,00 €

    COLORTEC QUIMICA S.L, ha realizado el proyecto “Desarrollo de perchas con capacidad acaricida mediante el empleo de tecnologías de encapsulación (ACAPER)” para el que ha conseguido el apoyo financiero de IVACE a través del Programa PROYECTOS DE I+D EN COOPERACIÓN (PIDCOP-CV) 2020, con una subvención de 23.521,50 €.

    Este proyecto ha sido cofinanciado por los fondos FEDER, dentro del Programa Operativo de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.

    Teléfono 966 551 645